The following section of the site contains several example web-based database applications that I have created over the last few years.
I have spent the majority of my over thirty-year career in IT within the software industry, specifically involved in the development of database applications. This started in the early 1990’s developing Dbase III+ applications and then moving on to compiling them using the CA Clipper compiler for DOS. The association with Xbase languages continued throughout the early 2000’s moving from CA Clipper to Alaska Software’s Xbase++ compiler.
These days all of my database programming is web-based using a combination of PHP, JavaScript, HTML and MariaDB. All examples use the Microsoft Northwind database as sample data and are written in and executed under PHP 8.1.
These applications have been developed using my bespoke web Application Framework which I have developed as a RAD solution for database driven, web-based applications.
The backend database in use is MariaDB version 10.6.
Example Database Applications |
Northwind Customers Application |
Northwind Customers Report |
Northwind Customers Report (Detailed) |
Northwind Orders Application |
Northwind Orders Report |