The following PowerShell script performs an automated Windows printer driver installation. If the driver and / or port already exist they will be deleted and re-installed / re-created respectively.
The .ps1 code is presented below; I have also provided a link to the HP driver installation files. The code has been tested and works on Windows 10/11.
The HP Universal Printer Driver has been used here as an example, but the code has been written so that it may be easily modified for other makes and models of printer.
Knock yourself out! ;-)
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#----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Program Copyright : Mike Wilcock. # Program Name : printer_driver_install.ps1. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Program Created : 19th July 2021. # Program Code Type : PowerShell Script (version 5.1.19041.1023). # Program Author : Michael Wilcock. # Program Version : 1.00 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Printer Driver : HP Universal Printing PCL 6. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Purpose : Automated printer driver installation. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Define printer name, port and ip/hostname strings as memvars. $cPrn_driver_name = "HP Universal Printing PCL 6" $cHost_or_ip = "HP Universal Printing PCL 6" $cPort_name = ("auto_" + $cHost_or_ip) $cDriver_path_local = ("C:\HP Universal Print Driver\pcl6-x64-\") $cInf_file = ("C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\" + "hpcu255u.inf_amd64_883dd40f467c5d42\hpcu255u.inf") clear screen write-host "Printer Name : " $cPrn_driver_name write-host "Port Name : " $cPort_name write-host "Hostname / IP Address : " $cHost_or_ip write-host "Driver Path (Local) : " $cDriver_path_local write-host "Printer Driver .inf File : " $cInf_file write-host "" # Promt user? $user_conf = read-host ("Install Printer Driver For Printer: " + $cHost_or_ip + " To: " + $env:computername + " - [Y/N]") # User bailed! :-( if($user_conf -ne "Y") { clear screen Write-Host "Printer driver installation cancelled by user." break } clear screen # Query printer. Get-Printer -Name $cHost_or_ip -erroraction 'silentlycontinue' | Out-Null # Printer exists on this machine so remove it. if($?) { # Delete the printer. write-host "Deleting Printer :" $cHost_or_ip Remove-Printer -Name $cHost_or_ip #-ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue } # Query printer port. Get-PrinterPort -Name $cPort_name -erroraction 'silentlycontinue' | Out-Null # Printer port exists on this machine so remove it. if($?) { # Delete the printer port. write-host "Deleting Printer Port :" $cPort_name Remove-PrinterPort -Name $cPort_name #-ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue } # Query printer driver. Get-PrinterDriver -Name $cPrn_driver_name -erroraction 'silentlycontinue' | Out-Null # Printer driver exists on this machine so remove it. if($?) { # Delete the printer driver. write-host "Deleting Printer Driver:" $cPrn_driver_name Remove-PrinterDriver -Name $cPrn_driver_name #-ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue } # Copy drivers to the Windows driver store. write-host "" write-host "Copying Drivers To The Windows Driver Store - Please Wait." write-host "" pnputil.exe /a ($cDriver_path_local + "hpcu255u.inf") | Out-Null # There was a problem so terminate the script. if($lastExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Host "There was a problem copying the driver files to the Windows driver store." # Gracefully exit. :-) Break } # Add printer driver. write-host "Adding Printer Driver - Please Wait." Add-PrinterDriver -Name $cPrn_driver_name -InfPath $cInf_file if($?) { write-host "Printer Driver Added Successfully." write-host "" } # Add printer port. write-host "Adding Printer Port - Please Wait." Add-PrinterPort -Name $cPort_name -PrinterHostAddress $cHost_or_ip if($?) { write-host "Printer Port Added Successfully." write-host "" } # Add printer. write-host "Adding Printer - Please Wait." Add-Printer -DriverName $cPrn_driver_name -Name $cPrn_driver_name -PortName $cPort_name if($?) { write-host "Printer Added Successfully." write-host "" } # Rename printer. Rename-Printer -Name $cPrn_driver_name -NewName $cHost_or_ip # Test page promt. $user_conf = read-host ("Print Test Page To : " + $cHost_or_ip + " - [Y/N]") # Print test page. if($user_conf -eq "Y") { Get-CimInstance Win32_Printer -Filter "name LIKE '$cHost_or_ip'" | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName PrintTestPage | Out-Null write-host "" write-host "Test Page Sent To Printer." } # Foshizzle! :-) write-host "" write-host "Script Completed Successfully." |