Video Games

Sony PS2, PS3 Slim and PS5 Launch Version.

Video games have been a constant for me beginning as a child in the early 1980’s playing with our family’s Sinclair ZX81 and it was this interest in gaming that prompted me to embark upon a more than thirty-year career in IT and my lifelong interest in programming.

From the early years of our self-assembled ZX81 I moved to a Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48k (yes, the one with the rubber keys), a Commodore 64 (original bread bin style with better sound hardware), a Commodore Amiga 500 along with some Atari ST and Acorn Archimedes thrown in for good measure. From the early 1990’s I then moved over PC hardware for coding and consoles for gaming.

From a console perspective it started with a Sega Mega Drive and then progressed on to a Super Nintendo. After that came a Sony PlayStation, a Nintendo 64 and a Sega Dreamcast. From the Dreamcast I then moved firmly over to Sony PlayStation and have owned a PlayStation 1, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4 Pro and PlayStation 5.

Console Collection

1SegaMega Drive
1MicrosoftXBox 360
2SonyPlayStation 2
2SonyPlayStation 3 Slim
2SonyPlayStation 4 Pro
1NintendoSwitch Lite
1SonyPS Vita
1NintendoGameboy Color